27 January 2016

Work -appropriate nails

A nail polish in this post was gifted to me, nothing else to disclose.

January for many means new beginnings, new sheets of paper to fill with their wishes and dreams for the coming year.
For some, that might mean a new job, new home, and for others it means hitting the gym a little bit more, or do one thing a day that makes them happy.

I have always though that New Year celebrations and traditions are a bit strange. It is, after all, just an arbitrary point in time, that we have decided is the end and the start of a year. Despite this, I love holidays, any holiday really. If someone says this and this day is pancake day, then so be it, I will make pancakes that day.

Aren't we humans strange creatures sometime?

Today I have for you a work - appropriate polish, that packs a touch of holo.
It is from Ard As Nails, (link to my other posts from this brand), and I have had so much fun checking out that company. UK girls, if you haven't jumped on this yet, you should try some.
Ard As Nails is an Indie (Handmade) Nail Varnish range created by the makers of Soap-Dodger. Their nail polishes are all 5 free, cruelty free and Vegan friendly.
If you want to find out more about 'Ard As Nails, you can head over to Ard As Nails Facebook Page, or their shop Soap Dodger .

Ard As Nails
I got so many compliments at work and when doing grocery shopping on my nails. The subtle holo completely wins me over.

A nail polish in this post was gifted to me, nothing else to disclose.
Dina Ramse Training and Developement

Secretary, Hiking-entusiast, Gamer and Nail Art Addict.

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